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Hidden Files
Step 1:
To delete files you need to make backupfile of applications and gamesSettings>Sync & backup>create backup>apps and games
Step 2:
Backupfile will be saved in memorycard to open this backup file you need to open bluetootFTP . Your file is in "backup files" folder rename .NBF to
Step 3:
Open backup file using bluetoothFTP three will be many folders
predefjava : contains applications from phone memeory {c:/my apps}
predefmenuapps : contains pre-installed apps
predefhidden : system files
Step 4:
Open predefmenuapps folder to get pre-installed applications there is no link so you have to follow our trick to download files.
Step 5:
You need to make a bmk file. There is nothing though in that just rename a file to with extension .bmk { file.png to file.bmk}. Long press on .bmk file and select edit in option
Step 6:
There will two option first box goes title of the bmk file second box will bear link. In the second box input url of the applications
Step 7:
1st - file:///
2nd - c:/
3rd - predefmenuapps
4th - predeffacebook
5th - facebook
6th - .jar
{must end with /}
url shown above is just a example how your bmk file must bear url. The above url when you input in .bmk file it must be like below
#Tags:download pre-installed apps/games
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Page modified on 2018-02-10 12:31:03

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