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Get Jad & Jar {memory card}
This tutorial will help you to get jad and jar file of installed game (or) application from memory card. Before this we had made a tutorial to get jar and jad using backup method but this will be more helpfull than previous!
Step 1:
First step of this process you must know what is the app name! {note:app name showing in mainscreen may differ app name while downloading} to find out this open bluetoothFTP open "memeorycard" and then "my apps".
Step 2:
You will see many folders , now note the name of the app you want to download . If you want to download wechat (folder : Wechat_Private).
Step 3:
Make bmk file to make a bmk file you need to make any big work just rename any or add .bmk with the file using bluetoothftp {file.png to file.bmk/file.png.bmk}
Step 4:
In asha touch series long tap on bmk file > use edit option input following in address field File:///e:/my%20apps/wechat.jar/
/- important
%20- space

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Page modified on 2018-02-03 08:35:42