ScreenShot Embedder
Note:Read twice or thrice understand carefully
How To Embed
Step 1:
To embed Screenshot feature to any application you need JAR file of the application use "save" option to save jar file using "ucbrowser"
Step 2:
UcBrowser will save application/game with a _jar format {eg: app_jar}
Step 3:
Install Screenshot Embedder from this page collected by Wait untill your app get installed
Step 4:Use
BluetoothFTP to rename {app_jar} to {}. Now open screenshot application browse to folder where saved file present. Click on it.
Name: Screenshot Embedder
Type: application/java-archieve
Size: 45.33KB
Download: Screenshot:
Name: Screenshot Embedder
Type: application/java-archieve
Size: 96.72KB
Page modified on 2015-02-17 07:14:32