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BluetoothFTP (NEW)
This the latest BluetoothFTP v1.7 app purchased by nokiaasha team by paying₹20
In this app you need not change dates directly install or save jar and jad using ucbrowser rename _jar to .jar and _jad to .jad
Latest certificate - 2014
BluetoothFTP (OLD)
BluetoothFTP Signed Download zip file extract items using any unsigned blutoothftp.
You will find two files inside zip Blueftp_jar and Blueftp_jad extract it
close bluetoothftp now use rename option rename _jar to .jar and _jad to .jad
app will show "certficate not on phone or sim" go to setting>time> change year to year before (2013/2012)
Certificate Expired - 2012BluetoothFTP -Jad|Jar| Zip
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Page modified on 2018-11-09 09:32:32